Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 6/7 - A review of the week

Well I didn't feel like posting yesterday, but I played my first session at 5nl and ended up $12, bring my account to $112.  Today I got my weekly rakeback which came out to $38.22 which has brought my bankroll up to $150.22.  To those who don't know, the websites take out a portion of your winnings, called rake, which is how they profit off of the games.  You can make a special deal with the sites, called rakeback, to get 27% of that money back every week.  So that is always a nice extra boost at the end of the week.  

This first week has gone much better than expected, as I thought it may take a while to move out of 2nl being it's such a small amount of money.  But now I have more than enough for 5nl and should have enough money to move up to 10nl by the end of next week, as long as I dont hit a downswing.  Once I figure out how, I'll post my PokerTracker graph on here too.  Hopefully I can play some tournaments this weekend, as they always seem to be extra soft on the weekend.  Well that's all for now, be back tomorrow!

Chips And Games 8 Player Folding Octagon Poker Table Top

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