Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Well its been a while since my last update, but that is because I havent had much to add.  Unfortunately I did not reach my $500 goal by last week, so I am pushing that back to this week. So basically I plan on having $500 in my account on FTP by Sunday.  I got up to $320 last Friday, then went on a sick downswing to $275 the next day.  During that time period I had pocket aces cracked twice in like 20 hands playing 10nl, as well as failing to cash in all 15 tournaments.  Luckily now I've gotten back up to $344 playing mostly $2 tournaments, and I hope to break the $400 mark in the next 2 days.  That will give me another 2 days to make the last $100 to reach my goal.

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